Each college at CSU has a non-tenure-track faculty committee that is committed to advancing the cause of non-tenure-track faculty. Representatives from these committees either sit on CoNTTF or report and share information regarding non tenure-track faculty concerns and considerations with CoNTTF. Conversely, information on what is happening at the university level as it pertains to non-tenure-track faculty is shared by CoNTTF with representatives from college committees to ensure it is disseminated at the college and department level.

Name Of Chair(s) College Email
Nathan Clark Agricultural Sciences Nathan.Clark@colostate.edu
Burt Deines Business Burt.Deines@colostate.edu
no committee Engineering Contact: Pinar.Omur-Ozbek@colostate.edu
Ashley Harvey and Leann Kaiser Health and Human Sciences Ashley.Harvey@colostate.edu; Leann.Kaiser@colostate.edu
Margaret Miller Liberal Arts Margaret.J.Miller@colostate.edu
Committee disbanded 2022 Libraries Contact: Scott.Wiebensohn@colostate.edu
Sean Bryan Natural Resources Sean.Bryan@colostate.edu
Kate Hebert and Ann Hess Natural Sciences Kate.Hebert@colostate.edu; Ann.Hess@colostate.edu
(Unfilled) Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Contact: Leslie.Stone-Roy@colostate.edu